
(wow) Words Of Wonders Level 273 Answers

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(wow) Words Of Wonders Level 273 Answers

I have been asked to translate Homer many times. It’s a job that I don’t have the time or the courage to do. But this suggestion led me to take a closer look at a poet I had already studied for a long time, and for a year or two the work of Homer seldom escaped my hands. The study of classical literature is probably in decline. Whatever the fate of this whole study, however, it is certain that as learning spreads and readership grows, more and more attention will be directed to Homer’s poetry. An important extant monument. Even in the last decade, two new translations of his Iliad have appeared in England. The other is due to Mr. Wright, Dante’s conscientious and meticulous translator. It can be safely argued that neither of these works ranks as a canonical translation of Homer. The task of translating it is still done by other translators. By pointing out the rocks their predecessors broke and the appropriate objects to which the Homeric translators should turn their attention, it might perhaps be possible to render them some service and save the loss of manpower. Hmm.

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There is debate about what goals translators should set when working with source texts. This qualifying round is still undecided. On the one hand, it is said that the translation “should be such that the reader, if possible, forgets that it is a translation, and is seized with the illusion that he is reading an original work, something original.” ” (if the translation is in English), ”from the hands of the English”. In this case, the true original is said to have been “taken as the basis for creating poetry that influences our compatriots, just as the original is thought to have influenced its natural audience.” On the other hand, Mr. Newman, who explains only to denounce the former doctrine, says, “He intends the exact opposite. According to Mr. Newman, “The translator’s first duty is to be historical and to be faithful.” I certainly agree with you, but the question that was debated among them is what is faithfulness?

My sole purpose is to give practical advice to translators. And I don’t deal with the translation theory itself at all. But I advise translators “not to attempt to make the Iliad a poem that will influence our fellow countrymen. It simply means that he should try to influence the English, perhaps as strongly as Homer influenced the Greeks. However, this indication is not sufficient and cannot give true guidance. All great poets have a strong influence on their audience, but one poet’s influence is another, another poet’s influence is another. It is the translator’s job to recreate Homer’s influence and the most powerful emotions of the unprepared English reader. I can’t vouch for him if he recreated this or made something else. Thus, again, he may follow Mr. Newman’s instructions, may try to be “faithful”, and may “keep all the features of the original.” But who will assure him, and who will assure Mr. Newman himself, that when he does this, he will do what Mr. Newman dictates, and will “strictly follow Homer’s thinking and habits”? ?Clearly, translators need more practical guidance than these. No one can tell him how Homer influenced the Greeks. But there are those who can explain to him how Homer affects them.These are scientists. A person who has a proper taste and a sense of poetry as well as a knowledge of the Greek language. They will not see a translation of great value compared to the original. But only they can determine if the translation has nearly the same effect as the original. They are the only competent courts in this matter. Greeks are dead. English without knowledge has no background to judge. And no one can safely trust his own judgment on his work.Let the translator not rely on his ideas of what the ancient Greeks thought of him. it is lost in the dark. Don’t let him believe what the average English reader thinks of him. He takes a blind man as a guide. Don’t trust your own judgment about your work. He can be led astray by personal whims. Let him consider how his work will affect people who know Greek and can appreciate poetry. Whether it is read by the Rector of Eton, Professor Thompson of Cambridge, or Professor Jowett of Oxford, it gives them the same feeling of reading the original. When Bentley said of Pope’s translation, “It was a good poem, but it shouldn’t be called Homer,” I think the work was appreciated for all its power and charm.

This is a test that declares that everyone is ready to submit their work. Unfortunately, most of the time, no two people agree on who is “reasonable”. In this case the ambiguity is removed. I think the translator would agree with me about a court that only needs to seek judgment. In this way he had a practical test to judge the true success of his work. How should I proceed to make the work tested by this test more successful?

First, there is some negative advice I give you. Homer is so occupied in the minds of the people, and such literature arises from him that every man who relies on him must limit himself to that which directly serves the purpose for which he relies. must be strictly determined. Translators are advised to have nothing to do with the question of whether Homer ever existed. One or more Iliad poets? If the Iliad is a poem or Achilles and he has six Iliads stuck together. Where the Christian doctrine of redemption overshadows Homeric mythology. If the goddess Latona somehow prophesies the Virgin Mary, etc. These are questions that have been debated in learning, wit, nay, genius. However, these are his two drawbacks. One is common to all who approach them and the other is specific to interpreters. A common drawback is the real lack of data on that decision. A particular disadvantage is that even if a translator solution is possible, it does not benefit the translator.

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Again, we recommend that you don’t worry about building a special vocabulary for your translations. According to Homer’s theory of the peculiarities of writing style, it excludes certain classes of English words and limits itself to another class. “Since the whole Homeric dialect is archaic in nature, the translator’s dialect should be as close to Saxo-Norman as possible, allowing elements introduced into our language by classical learning,” Newman said. It should be as low as possible,” he said. I’m sorry Mr. Newman is sticking to his own theory. For in his translation I constantly find words of Latin origin which seem quite strange to Homer’s simplicity.

I think it’s a good place to get rid of the feeling of being too bookish. However, aside from the question of fidelity to Mr. Newman’s own theory, this theory

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