
(wow) Words Of Wonders Level 81 Answers

(wow) Words Of Wonders Level 81 Answers – Once upon a time, the launch of Wonder seemed like a big event every day. The combination of great gameplay, excellent build quality, and beautiful artwork made me want to try the new edition of Days of Wonder as soon as I got my copy. Ticket to Ride and Memoir '44 are two releases that started this trend and brought attention to the 's games. The various Ticket to Ride sequels always bring me back to the game. Now, I'll admit, there were a few things along the way that I didn't expect, but some of the recent releases, including Small World and Cargo Noir, have convinced me that DoW is on the rise again.

The 's latest product is Cargo Noir, a collection of games designed by Serge Laget. As is the trend among publishers, Monsieur Laget became DoW's “house designer”. The game is his fifth major game for the and second in two years. To me, this is very similar to the Dirk Henn/Queen Games or Uwe Rosenberg/Lookout Games relationship. Laget has created a diverse portfolio throughout his career, and Cargo Noir uses a core mechanic that differs from scenes seen in previous games.

(wow) Words Of Wonders Level 81 Answers

Cargo Noir is set in the world of smuggling. The player acts as the boss of a smuggling ring (with names like Casa Nostra or Tres Sombreros). The goal of the smuggling ring is to collect the goods shown on the tiles in various ports scattered around the world. Then turn it into a card worth VP, such as an island cabin, nightclub, or yacht.

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This board is modular and consists of several cardboard tiles. Depending on how many players are in the game, these tiles can be flipped to create a “custom” board that fits regardless of how many players are in the game. There is a central area that represents Macau and its casinos and the black market in all games. Around this central square are up to 8 ports (the actual ports available depend on the number of players in the game). Each player starts the game with 3 ships and 7 coins. Even if your turn is 10 or 11 in the game, you can use these tools to get what you want.

In the first round of the game, the only thing each player does is place their ship on the board. Each ship has three options.

The flow of each turn is easy enough to follow. There are only three playable stages. In the first step, you deal with all the ships on the board. Casino ships return you with 2 coins. (Note to self – if I could find a casino that always guaranteed a refund, I'd go there!). If there are ships in a port and the only ship in that port, collect all the cargo in that port and put the bidding coins in the bank. If there are other ships in port (with more supplies than you) you have two options. Either add coins to your stash so you now have the largest stash or give up on that port and take the ship and money back. There are two options for ships on the black market. You can draw a random tile from your cargo bag or trade a tile you've already collected from the player mat for one of the eight face-up tiles on the black market.

During the second phase of the move, you can exchange cargo tiles for victory cards. Determining the value of an item tile requires a bit of math. For tiles of the same type – the value increases geometrically. So if there are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 tiles of the same kind, it will be 1, 4, 9, 16, 25. . , with values ​​of 36, 49, 64 or 81. For tiles of different types, the value increases arithmetically. So if there are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 tiles of the same kind, it will be 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36 or 45 values. You can combine any number of sets of any type to get the desired card.

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There are three cards available for purchase. The first is the basic VP card. The cost ranges from 15 to 30 and gives an amount of VP equal to the cost. Each card has multiple copies. The latter is a special VP card. These cards are unique and range in price from 36 to 81. However, unlike basic VP cards, these cards offer a small premium for VP production. A Paparazzi card that costs 36 gives you 40 VP, while a Principal card that costs 81 gives you 90 VP.

The last card type is the “Smuggler's Edge” card. These 3 cards give a reduced VP value at the end of the game, but also give special benefits to the players who use them in the game. There are 3 Smuggler's Edge cards and you can only buy 2 of each type. Cargo ship cards add additional ships to your fleet. The more ships you have, the more jobs you can do each turn. A storage card allows you to store two additional items between rows. You start the game with 6 items, but you can store up to 10 if you have two containers. Finally, the syndicate pays 2 coins once per turn when it leaves the port without winning the bid for the item.

For purchases with a card (except the last one) – You can only use the value generated by goods transactions, change is not given. You can decide how much you want to spend by adding as many items as you want, and then you can buy as many cards as you want with that amount. If you rotate an object, it is discarded from the game. With only 14 items of each type, paying attention to what others have collected and consumed in the endgame can be very important when trying to collect larger sets.

The third and final phase of the move returns the ship back to the board using all three options described in Settings. When all three phases are completed, play moves clockwise to the next player, who progresses through the three phases of his/her turn. The game lasts 10 moves (for 4 or 5 players) or 11 rounds (for 2 or 3 players). At the end of a turn, players can use any coins left in their collected goods and supplies to buy cards. The cards are then added up and the player with the most wins the match. In case of a tie, the player with the highest value VP card wins the match.

Salve Terra (la Cruz)

Overall I like the game. We think it's a great game for beginners that is easy to learn and can be enjoyed by players of all levels. In that way, Cargo Noir is very similar to Ticket to Ride. I still consider it the pinnacle of entry-level games (and current DoW flagship titles). Do I like sports? At this point, I don't think so. It's a great family game and I don't know if it's good enough for heavy gamers. And while I'm not saying that every game should have an extra level, Ticket's ability to be played by both beginners and veterans sets it apart from the crowd. Stands for all kinds of games.

But back to Cargo Noir. I think the game is very easy to learn. I had no problem going through the rules myself, and in less than 10 minutes my two kids were playing the game. There might be a problem with your rules. It's a pretty confusing schedule. In the move phase description, the rules say to skip to the third ship placement phase because that's the only thing you can do on the first turn of the game. Then after putting

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