
(wow) Words Of Wonders Level 1863 Answers

(wow) Words Of Wonders Level 1863 Answers – A Family Tree With Deep Slavery Roots: Code Switching At first, Nabeel Ayers' DNA test results made him feel a little darker than before. But a few months later, the results showed its connection to the unique and special experiences of black people.

– Hello, Nabil! – I congratulate your letter. … “So I'm very impressed with that little bit of information you shared with me.” I have been working for several years, 26 in fact, on my genealogy. It is passion and sometimes greed.'

(wow) Words Of Wonders Level 1863 Answers

Karen surprised me in her initial email and really shocked me, which I didn't expect from a woman who quietly accused her of being a descendant of my ancestors.

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“Ayers, some of my ancestors were slave owners, I know that, but at least some of them joined the household and were buried next to my ancestors. I hope it will be more.”

After a couple of email conversations with Karen, I made up my mind about her. He's older, but he's not

He must be over 60, with short, close-cropped, gray-brown hair. I found him sitting at the kitchen table in a modest, cozy house somewhere in the south:

“Well, I'm sure we're not related, but certainly Ayers is in a way.” “I just found you on Facebook! Your color is olive and some parts look white. I don't mean anything negative. Just my observation. Some slaves guessed or adopted their masters' names (not like it) but that's what I was trying to explain. Since… So this Dr. Ayers must have been white and he was the son of a slave?”.

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I have never been a father, and I have never been a father. Although my father and I lived in the same city, our paths never crossed. Sometimes someone asks how he is doing. He always surprises me and I usually respond with “you know better than I do” which is rather amusing and always a little apologetic and shows that I never knew him. .

I hope he inherits his best qualities and misses his bad ones, but I only know what those qualities are. For most of my life, even my racial identity was somewhat questionable.

Nabil Ayers' mother took care of him and decided to raise him. Submitted by Nabeel Ayers

My mother chose to raise me. My dad is black, but because he was never a part of my life, I was never a strong black person or felt like I belonged to any race. I grew up in a very diverse and liberal environment, and if anyone asks, I'm mixed race, and that's fine.

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I asked, “Who are you?” they often ask. asks Or less aggressively, but still “where are you from?” He pointed out that I have always described myself as “half black, half white”. This is what I still use for simplicity.

But on a crisp, cold winter day last year, I was exhausted from thinking about it all. So, like many people I know, I sent $99 and a small amount of saliva to the genetic testing 23andMe. I did not expect big surprises. My mother is of Eastern European Jewish descent. But I was hoping my family would learn something I never knew.

A month later I received an email. letter full of pie charts and graphs. According to 23andMe, I am 66.2% European, including 51% Ashkenazi Jewish and 32.6% Sub-Saharan. These numbers have never changed who I am, but they suggest that my father's lineage may be more direct than I thought. After seeing them, I was a little darker than before.

I chose 23andMe's connection system, which allows newly discovered DNA-relatives to chat on the site. Before I had a chance to investigate this, my father's distant cousin contacted me. We exchanged contact information and a few weeks later I woke up to his email. letter with attachment

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Instead of going to work that morning, I made a pot of coffee, sat on the couch, and flipped through a document with over 20 pages of images and dense text. I saw dozens of names – Winnie the Pooh, Luenia, Moses – but I didn't recognize them.

Then I saw that my father's mother's name was Ruby. Below Ruby is my father and his three sisters. Below is my father, his eldest son, his only child at the time of his death in 1963. A family tree is written.

I spent my entire life knowing almost nothing about my father's family. Now we have a serious conversation in an e-mail.

“As I grow older, I can see members of my mother's family,” writes Nabeel Ayers, who lives with her mother and grandfather. Submitted by Nabeel Ayers

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“As I grow older, I can see members of my mother's family,” writes Nabeel Ayers, who lives with her mother and grandfather.

I feel lucky to have met my mother's parents, grandparents. As a child, I noticed that my mother would laugh wholeheartedly like my grandfather, wave like my mother, and physically push away awkward conversations. As I grow older, I see parts of my mother's family inside me.

But having this family tree made me feel connected to my ancestors for the first time. I read their stories, studied their portraits, and looked for common features with my own thoughts.

My grandfather, Isaac Ayers, was born into slavery in 1825. His son James William Ayers was born in 1850. and spent the first 20 years of his life working on a plantation. Although technically free after the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, his family had no money and nowhere to go. So, like many freed slaves, they worked on the plantation for another seven years.

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My great-aunt, Jennie Elizabeth Ayers, had a trail when she was chased by bloodhounds that caught runaway slaves. He has 15 children. 2 years ago, my Aunt Thomasina Ayers, an amazingly strong woman with a beautiful sharp smile, dark hair, bachelor's and master's degrees, passed away.

James William Ayers and I are only three generations apart. My father's father's father's father was a different man 155 years ago. For the first time in my life, as I researched this story, I felt a direct connection to the names, faces, and stories of my black ancestors.

But I still wondered about the “66 percent European” DNA. It is unlikely that all this came from my mother's side of the family. So when I read the name of the man who enslaved my family, Dr. Ayers (I don't want to say his name), I thought he and I were related – maybe we were. (After all, slave owners had a long history of assaulting and impregnating their slaves. This is one of the reasons many blacks in America have significant European ancestry.)

, wrote: “Now, while the evening shadows gather around us, let there be enough clouds for a beautiful, exemplary sunset.” Submitted by Nabeel Ayers

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, wrote: “Now, while the evening shadows gather around us, let there be enough clouds for a beautiful, exemplary sunset.”

He claimed to have planted a plantation in Ashland, Benton County, Miss. According to the data of 1891

, Dr. August Machen Ayres was born in 1821. and was buried in Ashland Cemetery in 1890. I couldn't believe that it was the person I was looking for, but he was a doctor, the name was correct, the age was correct, A. The population is less than 200. August seems to fit the bill.

While digging into August's history, I met a woman who shared our last name and who appeared to be a living descendant of his. Karen Ayers Weir. I felt the need to contact him immediately, but not for revenge or compensation. I longed for knowledge—a deeper understanding of who I was and how I got here.

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“I'm not aspiring to anything, I'm not aspiring to anything. Those were different times, and our family has been blessed ever since. I am a happy, successful homeowner in Brooklyn, New York with a good job. I am very interested in this process. I would like to know more about people related to my family.

I woke up the next morning to his reaction. It turns out that Karen and her husband lived in Texas for 44 years. They had several grandchildren. He loved the outdoors and sent me pictures of himself

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