How To Build A Chair Out Of Cardboard

How To Build A Chair Out Of Cardboard – In this tutorial, I will walk you through the design and process of making a cardboard chair. This project was an assignment for me in design school, but it was a fun and inexpensive design challenge that got me thinking about how to make a chair.

Corrugated Cardboard: You may need to find the right source of cardboard or get creative with your design to accommodate your cardboard limitations. I was able to make mine with two 8’x4′ pieces of cardboard and a double layer cardboard box I found at Home Depot.

How To Build A Chair Out Of Cardboard

How To Build A Chair Out Of Cardboard

Box Cutter: Because you know, we cut boxes and stuff. You can use whatever knife you like best when cutting the cardboard.

Ladder Chairs — Alex Hsu

For this first step, use a cardboard cutout. You’ll probably go through a lot and want to save good quality cardboard for later.

How To Build A Chair Out Of Cardboard

The most important part of any building is the prototype phase. For this project, I only spent two hours designing the chair and from those two hours I learned a lot. In the short time I had to do everything, the decision making process became very fast. I decided that my main seat and chair legs would be the trapezoid that my legs make when I’m sitting down. So, thanks to a friend who is the same size as me, I measured the outside angle of the knee to the bottom of the trapezius and the width of the stock to the top of the trapezius. I did a quick internet search with my phone and found that cutting two pieces of cardboard with a slit between them adds a cardboard structure to the architectural model etc. So I measured the length of all the sides of the seat and the cross bar that goes into the trapezoidal seat to measure all the cardboard.

Still within the two hour time limit, I began assembling the chair and realized several things very quickly. First: Make sure the folds of the cardboard are perpendicular to the floor. I have found that the cardboard can only hold weight when the weight is placed perpendicular to the fold, otherwise the cardboard will fold itself. Remember to move the box? So the fold goes straight up and down so you can stack the tiles on top of each other.

How To Build A Chair Out Of Cardboard

How To Make Origami Chair

Besides the exciting discovery, assembly of the prototype went smoothly. I found out that it’s actually just the side to keep the diagonal pieces at the right angle and I don’t need to do anything back or front. This allowed me to create notches in the legs to make it easier to stand up from the chair as well as add a makeshift back to the chair. Finally, the seat is heat-glued to the base and the heat-glue opens all the grooved joints together to hold them together.

The chair was a huge success. It can support all the weight and my friend stands on it. Now I have the base for the plank chair design.

How To Build A Chair Out Of Cardboard

This step is just as important as (if not more than) the prototyping step. This step refines your idea of ​​the desired shape of your chair and includes details that make things more comfortable. It’s important to arrive at the final dimensions of all the pieces so you don’t waste any quality cardboard on this build. I’ll show you what I think and how I came to this conclusion.

Wiggle Frank Gehry’s Wiggle Chair Masterpiece

I purposely did not create a design that supports people sitting well. First, I made a trapezoidal seat to reflect the shape of my legs when I’m sitting comfortably. However, using the diagonal cut method, I discovered that by creating a trapezoid, the geometry had moved the intersection to the back of the chair, where I was extending my butt (and most of my weight) and there it was. gave me the most support where I needed it.

How To Build A Chair Out Of Cardboard

See other chairs for inspiration. I am looking for another chair to get a better size for my chair. My college cafeteria chair is a good example because it is a folding chair in the simplest form that can be made cheaply. Looking at the seats, I noticed that the seat reclines a bit and that the back is vertical to the seat is a change that could help make the seat more comfortable. In addition to fading, I found that the back corner of the chair hugs and supports the human form at an awkward angle. The last important measure I made was the back support. Instead of the previous design where it was perpendicular to the floor and swayed a lot, I actually contrasted the angle of the recline with the angle of standing in relation to the back. In the final design this turned out to be enough.

You can see all the final dimensions and the design I came up with in the image above.

How To Build A Chair Out Of Cardboard

Kids’ Creativity Unleashed In Hands On Chair Design Project

This step is self-explanatory. Draw your pieces to the size you cleared in the previous step with the scraper, then cut out the shape with the square cutter. When cutting two halves together, make sure the groove is on the opposite side of the cardboard so that on one piece, the groove comes out from the top and on the other, the groove comes out from the bottom. Also, make sure the slot is at least the width of the cardboard. When creasing, only cut half the cardboard to create a crease that makes it easier to form clean creases. As a final step, hot glue all over the junction of the seat to make sure it doesn’t split. when you move the chair. Again the most important part of this step: Be sure to cut the pieces so that the folding direction is perpendicular to the floor.

This chair will only be comfortable if it has something to sit on. So I sized up the trapezoidal chair and put it in a double cardboard box from Home Depot, cut it out and put it on the base. Now I’m going to put one more layer on top of the Home Depot box to connect the back and seat and have a bracket that fits in the corner. but, to make sure that the shape-fitting curve doesn’t tear if overexposed, I wrapped a piece of cardboard to provide a little extra support.

How To Build A Chair Out Of Cardboard

Finally, add the final layer to the chair. Repeat the process of pulling and cutting the piece, I hot glued it to the front storage seat. I made sure to leave some excess on the top layer to fold over and cover the wavy edges of the Home Depot cardboard for aesthetic reasons. For this layer, I purposely made sure that the folds of this piece ran in a perpendicular direction to the folds of the Home Depot cardboard. I believe this is what they do with the laminate to help distribute the pressure, making sure the grain runs perpendicular to the grain of the previous layer, so hopefully the same idea applies to the hardcover.

How To Make An Origami Chair: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

These are all the steps I took to make this cardboard chair. It’s a very organic process, I’ve tried to do it accurately, but since it’s a school project, it’s meant to be a learning experience. Overall, the results are pretty good. it turned out to be very strong, more than enough to hold my 200 lbs, so it was a big hit for me!

How To Build A Chair Out Of Cardboard

I hope this will help people make original chairs that can be made out of wood or help people make unique cardboard furniture or even creatures. Designers should also do this project for college design classes, I hope it helps everyone. from you! Introduction: I am an inventor/maker/designer based in the Bay Area. My background is in residential architecture, studio design, animatronics, media arts, exhibition design and electronics. I use digital designs and fabrics… More about JON-A-TRON »

This armchair is made entirely of cardboard! No screws, no glued joints, just friction and cracks. With two and a half 4’X4′ hardback sheets, a paper template, and a square cutter, you can create a sturdy, comfortable piece in a few hours.

How To Build A Chair Out Of Cardboard

Make A Diy Cardboard House

This project has been included in Asa Christiana’s new book, Handmade:

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