How To Build A Throne Chair

How To Build A Throne Chair – A: Web developer on a daily basis. Night Player. Halloween fanatic and all-time master! My designs combine pop culture, technology and craft to create something fun, unique and… More about flaming_pale! »

Do you dream of becoming the king of the cul-de-sac? Or Lord of the Loans? If so, you’ll need a throne! We made a Game of Thrones inspired iron throne for our medieval Halloween party. It’s by no means a sword-for-sword replica of HBO One, but it was a real hit. It is made of simple materials and takes little time to assemble. Definitely beats spending 30k on an official copy!

How To Build A Throne Chair

How To Build A Throne Chair

Our main requirements were an appropriately sized throne, heavy and strong enough to support party guests (some on chain horses) standing on it all evening.

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We built it in three weeks (although someone could rebuild it in at least half that time) with roughly the following materials:

How To Build A Throne Chair

You can certainly build a throne completely from scratch, but you’ll save time by starting with a chair that can be built from scratch. I found a plastic Adirondack chair that was a great, inexpensive (under $15) and lightweight starting point. The flared, vertical slats at the back seem like the shape we’re looking for and are a good base for building tall, chunky armrests.

After selecting the basic chair, I was able to start dimensioning the entire project in terms of approximate height, width, and depth. I decided to make a throne platform with a few steps because you really don’t want to be admiring anyone sitting on the Iron Throne.

How To Build A Throne Chair

A Large French Baroque Style Carved, Gilt, And Silvered Wood

Don’t forget: unless you are building on site, it is very important to have the size or modularity so that you can fit in the door later! In my case, the throne can be moved off the platform, and the throne can *easily* be tilted to fit through a 36 inch door.

The platform is made of 2×4 wood, where the back legs of the chair rest (with most of the weight). The legs were added using 2x4s and 2x2s, and 1/2-inch plywood was attached to the top.

How To Build A Throne Chair

Since the Adirondack leans back a bit, I added a 2×4 to the back of the platform to raise the back legs of the chair. I also added extra support to support the back of the chair as it is quite flexible.

Viking Medieval Throne

I then used rulers to highlight some of the main shapes of the throne. Crimson is a great building material because it’s simple, strong, and inexpensive—they cost about 70 cents at a home improvement store.

How To Build A Throne Chair

I used short flat head screws to attach the gauge to the chair, making sure the screw points were always clear of the seat surface. From each vertical slat of the chair I took measurements, most of which would later become the hilt of the sword.

I extended the shape of the front legs and used 2×4’s to attach the sticks to the bottom. I started to close the sides (inside and outside) of the chair with a few criss-cross steps.

How To Build A Throne Chair

How To Build Game Of Thrones Inspired Adirondack Chairs

This existing chair will revert to a downward pointing sword. I cut strips of pink insulating foam and nailed the liquid to one side of the stairs to start making the swords. The thickness of the foam (1/2 inch) makes it conform nicely to the surface of the chair. In the area of ​​the hilt of the sword, I cut it to the width of the measurement.

On both sides of the back of the chair we will have the first pair of swords facing upwards. Same process here: Roughly cut the foam into a cone and glue it to the front of the two measurements.

How To Build A Throne Chair

I then repeated these steps to glue the foam to the back of the stairs. For the lower swords, the foam is cut to fit directly over the back of the chair. There would be a small gap (measure the width) between the front and back pieces of foam, so small strips are glued to fill it. The following photo shows how the grinding process begins to shape the handle and blade areas. At this point there was a lot of sanding, but the electric hand sander helps a lot.

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I also started adding foam pieces to the grip cover. For most of them I left the back half of the guards as there would be another layer of swords behind them. The photo also shows the foam starting to be primed with latex paint (to be sealed with spray paint later).

How To Build A Throne Chair

So the point is to add more blade shapes to fill the open spaces on the sides and cover the surface of the chairs. I used different materials for this.

First, I found 1 inch wide metal binding tape, which I folded around my arm in several places. It is a strong metal, so with measurement it helps to add a frame that can be made. You can cut yourself on the edge of the metal, so I taped it around the armrest.

How To Build A Throne Chair

High Back Throne Chair For Party, Wedding, Queen

Then I cut some strips of kraft foam – about 1/8 inch thick is fine here – about 1″ to 1.5″ wide. I started with simple rectangular strips, but then cut them to the point of tapering. Craft foam is a great addition because it can be wrapped and braided around the shape of the chair and easily glued together. Also, even after adding it to the whole chair, the chair will be comfortable – not that comfort is really a feature of the Iron Throne.

Next, I needed front swords that looked better than the regular strips, so I wanted to go back to sculpting the pink insulating foam. The four swords on the front of the chair are shorter, but they are built in the same way as the back of the chair.

How To Build A Throne Chair

After that, it was just about getting more and more stuff. Change the direction of each part, but follow the lines of the chair if possible. There are no open viewing areas on the TV throne, it’s just solid swords, but I decided to shave for a while and keep it so I wouldn’t turn it into a giant blob.

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Since the sides and front of the chair were already well padded, it was enough to finish a few layers of foam on the back and seat of the chair and most importantly, add a row of blades along the top for the iconic finish. You see, I decided to add 7 blades sticking out around the top, placing them between each of the foam swords we made earlier. Again, you can go crazy here and make a few dozen, but it was a good number without being too crowded. Here again I spent a few hours with the sander to get everything in shape.

How To Build A Throne Chair

Added some wooden balls to get the front sword on the tips. They are attached with screws under the armrest of the chair.

Before the next stage of painting, I used a bunch of latex mastic to fill in any gaps around the entire project. He smoothed the layers well to give them a melted look.

How To Build A Throne Chair

Wooden Throne Chairs

After making sure all the foam insulation was coated first, the entire chair was spray painted. First a full coat of dark gray primer was applied. I then applied one or two coats of “wrought steel” paint. The checkered color doesn’t give the throne much texture, but it does give uniformity to all the materials used.

Gold and copper details were added to highlight the tips and hilt guards. These were mostly just washes to add character without too much shine.

How To Build A Throne Chair

Thin black paint was applied to darken the sword hilts and better define all the edges of the foam and give the layers more dimension. To add some shine to some of the blades, I rubbed an oil based aluminum paint. It’s subtle, but the added metallic finish is a bit reflective.

How To Turn A Chair Into A Throne

And that’s a lot. The chair sat on top of the platform and I screwed the two back legs so it wouldn’t move. When folded, it reaches a height of over seven feet.

How To Build A Throne Chair

Not only is the Iron Throne decoration awesome on its own, but you’ll have tons of great photos of your party guests posing on it! Check out these six easy steps to make a wooden throne chair! A throne chair should always be there, whether it’s a royal-themed celebration or a Viking campfire.

The Flaming Throne chairs are not the most comfortable chairs to recline, recline or recline, but a “standing” chair to sit proudly and explore your life.

How To Build A Throne Chair

Vintage Style Queen Throne Chair Redo!

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