How To Make Table In R

How To Make Table In R – A response table is one that statisticians often use to determine the relationship between two or more categorical variables. The important thing about a response table is that it conveniently shows the number of iterations of a variable, or in general cases. It can work with a categorical variable because it only calculates odds and margins for cases of a categorical variable, and it can perform any chi-square test like calculations you’d see with a data frame instead of a flat pop-up table.

In this tutorial, I will explain how to create a contingency table in R and what you can do with it.

How To Make Table In R

How To Make Table In R

Imagine you are in a situation where you want to determine the relationship between two variables. The first step is to look at how many times each variable occurs against a condition. You can crunch the numbers for a small dataset on paper, but when you’re working with big data, you need sophisticated tools, and a pivot table is one of them. As statisticians routinely do, when working with large data sets, a response table summarizes a large number of observations and presents them neatly in a single table, which makes readability and especially eases additional calculations. Null hypothesis tests, such as the chi-square test and Fisher’s exact test, are easier to perform if you have a standard response table for the data set instead of a data frame. You can find conditional probability, relative frequency, expected value, chi-square statistic, and other similar statistical measures from the Character Vector Contingency Table object. This is easier than trying to do those calculations with another R object, such as a DataFrame, with another column variable set.

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Let me start by showing you the contingency plan. For this tutorial, I’m going to use a built-in dataset from R, which is “inferred” because of its structural simplicity. Plots data on infertility among educated women versus number of induced abortions (in years). This flat matrix data consists of a string of characters with different values, which allows the creation of a 2×2 or larger response table, which allows calculation of all kinds of different factorial statistics, including chi-square statistics, phi-coefficient, conditional. . We can put the independence, column percentage and other things in a flat table or histogram.

How To Make Table In R

To understand what the values ​​in this table function mean, I need to walk you through the details of how a pivot table is actually created. The rows represent the years of education the women received, while the columns show the number of induced abortions they had. The cells of the table contain the information you need to determine the relationship between these two variables.

For example, in the first column, N (ie 4) shows the percentage of educated women aged 0-5 out of a total of 248 women who did not have an abortion. Beyond this ratio, you can see more information in each cell. Again, for the first cell, N is the percentage of women who did not have an abortion and the total score, who had 0–5 years of education. N The ratio and column totals show the percentage of women with 0–5 years of education who did not have an abortion in a transformed form. Finally, the N rate and total table shows the expected number of abortions for a given education and the number of abortions per woman. Establishing a relationship between two or more variables becomes easier when you look at things in probabilistic terms.

How To Make Table In R

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Now that you know what information is in a response table, I’m going to show you how to create a response table in R.

As mentioned earlier, I’m going to “guess” in this tutorial, so let’s start by loading the dataset into R first.

How To Make Table In R

Once it is loaded, you can start working on it. First, let’s create a basic reaction table that displays the number of records. This can be done with the “with” command in R.

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It’s a basic pivot table that organizes data in a two-way format and lets you see ratios rather than expected values ​​as you’ve seen before. Fortunately, getting there with R isn’t difficult.

How To Make Table In R

To obtain a detailed reaction table, the “gmodels” package can be used. If you haven’t already installed it, you can do so with the install.packages command. Your code should look like this.

Now that you know how to create a contingency table in R, let’s look at other ways to do it quickly and how you can create them.

How To Make Table In R

Contingency Tables In R

First, let’s try to build on what you already know. Creating a response table in R Studio or basic R using the “gmodels” package gives you information such as total rows, total columns, and expected values. But you may have noticed that generating it with the ‘xtabs’ function does not give you such information. Also, it does not give you any information about the distribution of the variables.

However, R allows you to easily obtain this information in several ways. The “rowsum” and “colsum” functions are one way to do this. Read about these jobs here.

How To Make Table In R

Another convenient way to get prop.table is to use the “prop.table” function. This gives you the joint distribution of the variables and you can use the “addmargins” command to see the totals of the rows and columns.

Create A New Table With Quantitative Variables > Or =

Also, you may notice that we have only looked at reaction tables with two variables so far, how can you handle a large number of variables?

How To Make Table In R

This is an important question because statisticians often need to analyze the relationship between three or more variables. This is where you can’t use the well-named “gmodels” package, but the “xtabs” functionality comes in handy. It helps to deal with any number of variables.

Suppose you want to know the number of spontaneous abortions along with educational and induced abortions. This can be done by adding additional variables to ‘xtabs’. The R “ftable” function allows you to view data in a more structured way. This will help you calculate frequency in R and generate expected frequency contingency tables for statistical applications.

How To Make Table In R

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Finally, as mentioned earlier, the contingency table prepares the canvas for further statistical testing of the data to discover relationships and study the behavior of variables. You can create a pivot table with percentages in R, learn how to solve pivot table problems, or create a pivot table for grouped data. There are many functions and tests you can perform using contingency tables in R. For example, the Chi-Square test allows us to calculate how close the data (hypothesis) is to the expected data.

Syed Abdel Hadi is an ambitious university student interested in data analysis using mathematical modeling and data mining software. His expertise is in predictive analytics and interactive visualization technologies. Reading, traveling and horse riding are among my free time activities. Visit him on LinkedIn for updates on his work. It doesn’t matter how well you analyze data if you don’t communicate your findings effectively. In most reports, results are presented through data visualizations and tables. Along with narrative text, these are key elements of content used to communicate results.

How To Make Table In R

Clear writing is a different topic. Data visualization is a big topic in R (and it’s excellent in Klaus Wilke’s Kieran Healy’s Data Visualization: A Practical Introduction and Basics of Data Visualization). But what about tables? Fortunately for R users, there are many ways to create beautiful charts that effectively communicate your results.

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If you’re using RMarkdown (and if you’re not, you should consider it), any dataframe you call using the dataframe print method specified in YAML will be displayed in the code section. As Yihui Xie said, “Printing stuff in R code snippets is basically emulating the R console.” This default output leaves a lot to be desired. Publishing a “table” with fixed-width fonts like this doesn’t inspire anyone to take action.

How To Make Table In R

It is very easy to improve this product. You can change the default YAML data frame printing method to one of the following options.

, create page tables where you want to give users the ability to view particularly long tables and sections of output:

How To Make Table In R

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There are also many packages that provide functionality for creating well-designed tables. Here are some packages I’ve used that produce charts that look good and communicate results effectively.

Gt is a new(ish) package. It’s “designed to be straightforward and powerful … with a focus on simple functionality for everyday desktop needs.” The package contains functions designed to do things like:

How To Make Table In R

The gt package provides a general concept for a board (like this

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