How Long Can Someone Live With Afib

How Long Can Someone Live With Afib – Atrial fibrillation, also known as AFib or AF, is an electrical disorder in the upper chambers of the heart. Although AFib is not necessarily harmful by itself, it can increase your risk of stroke along with other heart-related problems. Read on to learn what atrial fibrillation can do to your body.

AFib affects the upper chambers of the heart, called the atria. It is an electrical disorder that causes rapid electrical signals, perhaps hundreds of times per minute. These signals interfere with the ability of the upper chamber to contract organically.

How Long Can Someone Live With Afib

How Long Can Someone Live With Afib

In some cases, AFib may have no apparent cause. Although it can be managed with treatment, AFib can eventually lead to serious complications.

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These complications can occur due to reduced pumping action and reduced passive blood flow. Blood can even pool inside the heart. Some people with AFib have no symptoms, while others have multiple symptoms.

How Long Can Someone Live With Afib

AFib increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. Having AFib also puts you at higher risk for other conditions that affect your heart rhythm.

AFib sometimes occurs sporadically and may resolve on its own. However, AFib can last a long time — even permanently.

How Long Can Someone Live With Afib

Atrial Fibrillation—a Complex Polygenetic Disease

When the heart’s electrical system malfunctions, the ventricles lose their rhythm. A common symptom of AFib is a feeling of the heart beating in the chest cavity, or just beating irregularly, causing palpitations. You may be very aware of your heartbeat.

Over time, AFib can cause heart weakness and dysfunction. Ineffective contraction of the heart causes blood to pool in the atria. This increases the risk of blood clots.

How Long Can Someone Live With Afib

During an AFib attack, your pulse may feel fast, slow, or irregular.

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Having AFib increases your risk of stroke. When the heart fails to contract properly, blood begins to pool in the atria. If a clot forms, it travels to the brain, where it blocks the blood supply, causing an embolic stroke.

How Long Can Someone Live With Afib

Early warning signs of stroke include severe headache and slurred speech. If you have AFib, your risk of stroke increases with age. other extras

Blood thinners and other medications can reduce these risk factors. Lifestyle measures can also make a difference. These include:

How Long Can Someone Live With Afib

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Know the Signs of a Stroke If you think you’re having a stroke, the American Stroke Association recommends using the word “fast” to help you recognize common stroke symptoms.

Your lungs need a steady blood supply to function properly. Irregular pumping of the heart can cause fluid to back up in the lungs. Symptoms include:

How Long Can Someone Live With Afib

With AFib, fluid can build up in your legs, ankles, and feet. It is also not uncommon to experience restlessness and muscle weakness during previous daily activities. As a result of the effects of AFib, you may notice a decreased overall ability to exercise.

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Other symptoms include weight gain, dizziness, general malaise and fatigue. You may notice increased urination.

How Long Can Someone Live With Afib

AFib may not cause any symptoms – some people don’t know they have it until they are diagnosed by a doctor. That’s why, in addition to monitoring your own health and symptoms, you should take extra care to get recommended checkups and see your doctor regularly.

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How Long Can Someone Live With Afib

My Experience With Atrial Fibrillation Part 2

Our experts are constantly monitoring the health and wellness space and updating our articles as new information becomes available. Atrial fibrillation (Afib) is an irregular heart rhythm that begins in the upper chambers of the heart (the atria). Symptoms include fatigue, palpitations, difficulty breathing and dizziness. Atrial fibrillation is one of the most common heart rhythm disorders. Risk factors include high blood pressure, coronary artery disease and obesity. Untreated Afib can lead to stroke.

Atrial fibrillation (called AFib or AFO) is an irregular heart rhythm (arrhythmia) that starts in the upper parts of the heart (the atria). If you have atrial fibrillation, the normal cycle of electrical impulses in your heart is disrupted. This causes a fast, irregular heart rhythm and poor blood flow from the atria to the lower chambers (ventricles).

How Long Can Someone Live With Afib

If left untreated, atrial fibrillation can lead to stroke and other serious complications. That’s why it’s important to know your symptoms and discuss your personal risk factors with your healthcare provider.

Atrial Fibrillation And Atrial Flutter

You might be wondering what Afib looks like. Some people with atrial fibrillation have no symptoms. It depends on how fast your heart beats. If they’re beating at a normal or slightly faster pace, you probably won’t feel anything. But if your heart rate is fast, you will start to notice the symptoms. This may include:

How Long Can Someone Live With Afib

If you have symptoms, list when they occur and share this information with your healthcare provider.

If you think you have symptoms of atrial fibrillation, it’s important to call your healthcare provider right away to discuss how you’re feeling. Your provider may ask you to check your pulse. If it feels shaky or weak, it could be a sign that you have Afib. However, sometimes you may not notice any changes in your pulse, especially if your Afib is not progressing. Instead, you may simply feel tired or short of breath. You don’t know if your symptoms are from Afib or something else. You must call your provider for this.

How Long Can Someone Live With Afib

Should I Be Screened For Atrial Fibrillation?

Atrial fibrillation can be a serious medical complication. So it is important to know the warning signs and share them with your family and friends In many cases, we need someone else to call 911 for us. Call 911 (or your local emergency services) immediately if you have the following symptoms or notice people around you:

These are signs of bleeding in the brain, digestive tract, or urinary tract. Many people with atrial fibrillation need to take blood thinners to reduce the risk of atrial fibrillation-related stroke. This medication is essential. But taking too high a dose can cause your body to bleed.

How Long Can Someone Live With Afib

These are signs that you may be having a stroke. Learn how to recognize these signs in yourself or others so you can act quickly. Every minute counts.

Atrial Fibrillation: Types, Triggers, Symptoms, Disparities, And Treatment

These symptoms can occur up to an hour before cardiac arrest. In some cases, these symptoms may not appear at all and a person may simply pass away. If you or a loved one has Afib, it’s best to talk to your healthcare provider about how to get help in a medical emergency. For those who live alone or for long periods of time, there may be no one at home to turn to for help. Medical alert devices can be a life-saving resource.

How Long Can Someone Live With Afib

When you have Afib, your heart’s electrical system also malfunctions. Your electrical impulses are chaotic, causing your heart rate to be irregular and fast. When you feel your pulse is out of whack, you might wonder what’s going on inside you. It’s helpful to learn more about the difference between a normal heart rate and what happens when you have Afib.

Your heart pumps blood to the rest of your body. During each heartbeat, your two atria contract, followed by your two lower chambers (ventricles). These movements, when timed correctly, can make your heart work like an efficient pump. Controls the heart’s electrical system when the heart contracts. Your sinoatrial node (SA) is usually responsible for this electrical system. This node is located in your right atrium. When your SA node pulses, electrical activity travels through your right and left atria (“atria” singular, “atria” plural). The atria then both contract and pump blood into your ventricles.

How Long Can Someone Live With Afib

How To Reverse Atrial Fibrillation Naturally

The impulse then travels to the atrioventricular (AV) node located in the center of the heart. From there, impulses travel to your ventricles, which cause them to contract and pump blood from your heart to your lungs and to the rest of your body. This process is repeated for each heartbeat. The SA node controls the timing of electrical impulses and keeps your heart beating smoothly.

You can think of your SA node as the conductor of an orchestra. Your SA node is responsible for keeping your heart beating at the correct speed and rhythm. Similarly, the conductor of the orchestra directs all the musicians so that the music flows in the right rhythm, fast and slow.

How Long Can Someone Live With Afib

Typically, your SA node is adjusted based on your activity level. For example, it increases your pulse rate when you exercise and decreases your pulse rate when you sleep. As the SA node indicates your heart rhythm, you are in “normal sinus rhythm.” This means your heart beats regularly and rhythmically, about 60 to 100 beats per minute.

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If you have atrial fibrillation, your sinus node doesn’t control your heart’s electrical rhythm. Instead, many different impulses fire rapidly at the same time, causing a fast, chaotic rhythm in your atria. As a result, your atria cannot contract effectively or pump blood into your ventricles. Your ventricles contract irregularly, causing a fast, irregular heartbeat.

How Long Can Someone Live With Afib

As if

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