How Did People Get Aids

How Did People Get Aids – Medically Reviewed by Cameron White, MD, MPH – By Ann Pietrangelo and Christine Cerny – Updated March 29, 2022

Most people are probably familiar with HIV, but they don’t know how it affects the body.

How Did People Get Aids

How Did People Get Aids

HIV destroys CD4 cells (also called T cells or helper cells), which are important for the immune system. CD4 cells are responsible for keeping people healthy and protecting against common diseases and infections.

Symptoms Of Hiv

HIV targets the types of cells that normally fight off an attack like HIV. As the virus replicates, it damages or destroys the infected CD4 cell and produces more virus to infect more CD4 cells.

How Did People Get Aids

Without treatment, this cycle can continue until the immune system is severely compromised, putting the person at risk for serious illnesses and infections.

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is the last stage of HIV. At this stage, the immune system is very weak and the risk of opportunistic infections is very high.

How Did People Get Aids

Myths Around Aids That Everyone Should Know

But not everyone with HIV gets AIDS. The more treatment a person receives, the better the outcome.

The immune system prevents the body from contracting diseases and infections. White blood cells protect the body from viruses, bacteria, and other organisms that can make a person sick.

How Did People Get Aids

After a few days of exposure to the virus, a person with HIV may develop a flu-like illness that lasts for several weeks. This is associated with the first phase of HIV, which is called the acute infection phase or acute HIV.

Hiv In Women

A person infected with HIV may not have many serious symptoms at this stage, but they usually have a large amount of the virus in their blood because the virus reproduces quickly.

How Did People Get Aids

The next stage is called the stage of chronic infection. It can take 10 to 15 years. A person infected with HIV may or may not have signs or symptoms at this stage.

Kaposi’s sarcoma is another possible complication of blood vessel cancer. It is rare in the general population, but is more common in people with HIV.

How Did People Get Aids

Gallup Vault: Fear And Anxiety During The 1980s Aids Crisis

Symptoms include red or dark purple sores on the mouth and skin. It can also cause problems with the lungs, digestive tract and other internal organs.

HIV and AIDS also put a person at risk of developing lymphomas. An unusual symptom of lymphoma is swelling of the lymph nodes.

How Did People Get Aids

HIV makes it difficult to fight respiratory problems such as colds and flu. In turn, a person with HIV can develop related infections, such as pneumonia.

Hiv Discordant Couples

Without HIV treatment, advanced disease puts a person with HIV at greater risk of infectious complications such as tuberculosis and a fungal infection called pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia (PJP).

How Did People Get Aids

The risk of lung cancer also increases with HIV. This is due to weakening of the lungs from multiple respiratory problems related to a weak immune system.

People with HIV are more likely to have high blood pressure. HIV also increases the risk of pulmonary hypertension (PAH). PAH is a type of high blood pressure in the arteries that supply blood to the lungs. Over time, PAH stresses the heart and can lead to heart failure.

How Did People Get Aids

Hiv And Hepatitis B

Tuberculosis is an airborne bacterium that affects the lungs. It is the leading cause of death in people with AIDS. Symptoms include chest pain and a bad cough that may contain blood or mucus. Coughing can last for months.

Because HIV affects the immune system, it also makes the body more susceptible to infections that can affect the digestive system.

How Did People Get Aids

Digestive tract problems can also reduce appetite and make it difficult to eat properly. As a result, weight loss is a common side effect of HIV.

How Long Does It Take To Show Symptoms Of Hiv?

A common HIV-related infection is oral thrush, which is a fungal infection that causes inflammation and white patches on the tongue and inside the mouth.

How Did People Get Aids

Another viral infection that affects the mouth is oral hairy leukoplakia, which causes white lesions on the tongue.

Salmonella infection is spread through contaminated food or water and causes diarrhea, abdominal pain, and vomiting. Anyone can get it

How Did People Get Aids

The Hiv/aids Epidemic In The United States: The Basics

This infection affects the bile ducts and intestines and can be particularly severe. It can cause chronic diarrhea in people with AIDS.

While HIV does not generally infect nerve cells directly, it does infect cells that support and surround nerves in the brain and throughout the body.

How Did People Get Aids

Although the link between HIV and neurological damage is not fully understood, it is possible that infected host cells contribute to nerve damage.

Treatment For All

Advanced HIV can cause nerve damage, also known as neuropathy. This usually leads to pain and numbness in the legs and arms.

How Did People Get Aids

Small holes in the conducting sheaths of peripheral nerve fibers can cause pain, weakness, and difficulty walking. This condition is known as vacuolar myelopathy.

There are significant neurological complications of AIDS. HIV and AIDS can cause HIV-related dementia, a condition that severely affects cognitive function.

How Did People Get Aids

Aids Disability Benefits

Having a weak immune system puts people with AIDS at risk of inflammation of the brain and spinal cord from this parasite. Symptoms include confusion, headache, and seizures. Infections can also be caused by certain infections of the nervous system.

In more advanced cases, hallucinations and outright psychosis may occur. Some people may also experience headaches, problems with balance or coordination, and vision problems.

How Did People Get Aids

A weakened immune response makes a person vulnerable to viruses such as herpes. Herpes can cause sores around the mouth or genitals.

Long Acting Injectable Drug Prevents Hiv Infections

HIV also increases a person’s risk of contracting shingles. Reactivation of herpes zoster, the virus that gives people chicken pox, causes shingles. The condition causes painful rashes, often with blisters.

How Did People Get Aids

A viral skin infection called molluscum contagiosum causes rashes on the skin. Another condition called prurigo nodularis causes a rash on the skin as well as severe itching.

HIV can cause a variety of symptoms, from mild flu-like symptoms in the early stages to neurological symptoms when the condition progresses to AIDS.

How Did People Get Aids

Hiv Information For Healthcare Providers: Department Of Health

Many of the effects described above are related to the immune system, which is constantly compromised during the progression of HIV and AIDS.

However, many of these effects are preventable with antiretroviral therapy, which can maintain and restore the immune system.

How Did People Get Aids

A health care professional may recommend additional treatments, such as blood pressure medications or skin creams, to address the effects of HIV and AIDS on other body systems.

Signs Of Hiv To Know

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How Did People Get Aids

Our experts are constantly monitoring the health and wellness space, and we update our articles as new information becomes available. HIV progresses in three stages. The first symptoms can appear within a few weeks after infection with the virus. However, in some cases, there are no symptoms for years.

HIV is a virus that destroys the immune system. There is currently no cure for HIV, but since the late 1980s treatment in the form of antiretroviral drugs has been available to reduce the effects of any symptoms.

How Did People Get Aids

Hiv And Prevention

In most cases, once a person is infected with HIV, the virus remains in the body for life. However, the symptoms of HIV differ from the symptoms of other viral infections in that they occur in stages.

If untreated, the infectious disease has three stages. Each has different symptoms and potential problems.

How Did People Get Aids

But regular antiretroviral therapy can reduce HIV to undetectable levels in the blood. This means that the virus does not progress to the later stages of HIV infection or be transmitted to partners during sexual intercourse.

Hiv/aids Facts Everyone Should Know

The first visible stage is the initial HIV infection. This stage is also called acute retroviral syndrome (ARS) or acute HIV infection.

How Did People Get Aids

It usually causes flu-like symptoms, so someone at this stage thinks they have the flu or some other viral illness rather than HIV. Fever is the most common symptom.

, The initial symptoms of HIV can appear up to 2-4 weeks after the initial infection. They can last several weeks. However, some people may have symptoms for only a few days.

How Did People Get Aids

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ARS is common when a person is infected with HIV. But it’s not for everyone, as symptoms may not appear for a decade or more, according to

Although the virus spreads rapidly in the weeks after exposure, early HIV symptoms appear only when the rate of cell death is high.

How Did People Get Aids

This does not mean that cases of HIV infection without symptoms are not serious, or that an asymptomatic person cannot transmit the virus to others.

United Nations Millennium Development Goals

HIV has several stages of infection. In the early stages after exposure, symptoms may include flu or cold symptoms. This can resolve spontaneously when HIV is active in the body. It then progresses to a chronic infection where the symptoms can be very different but include weight loss, fatigue and unexplained fever. The chronic phase can occur at any time after the acute phase, but it cannot be immediately after it. If left untreated, HIV can progress to AIDS, which is determined by the number of white blood cells circulating in the blood.

How Did People Get Aids

After the first encounter and

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