
(wow) Words Of Wonders Level 2274 Answers

(wow) Words Of Wonders Level 2274 Answers – The influence of behavioral drivers on adoption of sustainable agricultural practices: The case of organic agriculture in Turkey

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(wow) Words Of Wonders Level 2274 Answers

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Created: July 17, 2020 / Viewed: August 19, 2020 / Accepted: August 21, 2020 / Published: August 24, 2020

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(This article is about common indicators, assessment tools and rating systems of sustainability in urban planning and development)

This study examines projects for the rehabilitation of old urban spaces and the implementation of smart city systems. It focuses on citizens’ perspectives and ways to build citizen-centric smart cities. A survey was conducted among 624 residents in three cities of South Korea where relevant projects are being implemented. Hierarchical regression model was used to find out what factors influence citizens’ approval of smart city projects. As a result of the analysis, it was found that citizens prefer services closely related to their daily life, and people with low quality of life related to living conditions and security are more interested in smart city projects, although there are differences between cities. . They also see and love these projects as a means of solving everyday problems and local economic development rather than looking for specific technology or equipment. Based on these findings, this study provides conclusions and recommendations for linking urban revitalization planning with smart city projects.

In the early 2000s, citizens became the focus of discussions around smart cities, after an increased focus on technological and instrumental tools. There are several reasons for combining these two elements, citizens and smart cities, which have long been considered completely separate. This includes changes in the perception of smart cities by public and private institutions in terms of politics, economy and society, but they can be reduced to about two points.

First, we should emphasize citizen-oriented smart city initiatives that promote the importance of political and social participation of citizens in the implementation of smart city projects based on planning, governance and management [1]. The second point is related to the importance of providing sustainable smart city services in accordance with the requirements of improving the quality of life of citizens [2]. Accordingly, in the field of urban planning, citizen and community input has been particularly emphasized in the planning and design of the physical environment of smart cities, for example, in the creation of community-level services [3]. This shows that smart cities need to solve two problems: to fully consider civil society in the deployment of smart city technologies and facilities in the urban space, and to provide appropriate services to meet the needs of citizens.

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To achieve these goals, the latest research is working to help citizens use smart city technology. This is possible due to two factors: (1) smart city projects are mainly implemented within existing urban facilities based on urban planning methods and related policy measures [4] and (2) several researchers have found that smart city technologies have a direct impact on citizens. . behavior and their sustainable viability [5]. However, there is still a lack of empirical studies that can best describe the relationship between smart cities and citizens’ lives [6]. It is natural that traditional urban planning is limited to the full integration of smart city projects. As smart city-related technologies emerge and develop, urban planning has become increasingly focused on citizen participation, citizen-based services, infrastructure, and delivery systems over the past decade. The types and scope of smart city technologies vary, and similarly, the types of urban planning vary depending on certain business factors. Therefore, several studies are conducted to find a middle ground that reflects smart city projects and urban planning, and many studies, including [7], explore smart cities in the real world rather than theoretically.

Accordingly, some recent key case studies have defined the smart city as “a means of transforming urban infrastructure and services from economic, environmental, transportation and management technology perspectives” [8]; “Increasing the quality of life through the introduction of information and communication technologies (ICT) infrastructure in cities and markets” [9]; and “socio-economic development through the maximization of new innovative technologies from the perspective of citizens” [10]. In addition to more emphasis on the role of citizens in smart city projects, various studies such as [11, 12] have considered smart cities as a tool for urban regeneration. Recently, researchers such as [13, 14] have extended this idea further, arguing that smart cities can contribute to the preservation of local identity and preservation of physical and social heritage. These studies are similar in that they ultimately recognize and demand smart cities as a tool to improve citizens’ quality of life. However, depending on the characteristics of urban residents, each type of urban planning shows clear differences in processes and outcomes as a practical method of analyzing smart cities [15]. Depending on the type of goods used in each subject area, the financing and policy measures of each region, and the economic background of each country, the results may also differ [17].

Despite the current debate, most of the research aimed at putting urban planning and smart cities on the same page has been limited to survey and monitoring results. Such limitations suggest considering these issues as related to the quality of life of citizens, analyzing and comparing cases involving different spatial contexts, and considering physical and social conditions. All this means that smart city projects should focus on their starting point and a series of steps rather than the final product.

Accordingly, this study selected three cities where government-initiated urban revitalization and smart city development projects were implemented simultaneously. In addition, this study examines how smart city technologies, facilities and services affect their benefits (a means of improving the quality of life of subscribers) and the socio-economic characteristics of users. Based on this analysis, this article provides some research results for the field.

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The current definition of a “smart” city is a neutral term that includes both human and material factors, and the concept and name have undergone several changes: “intelligence”, “message”, “wired”, “knowledge”, etc. “Digital” City [18]; In addition, these terms mainly reflect the goals of using technologies specific to the city [19]. Although discussions about smart cities affect the role of citizens, the quality of life of residents (including both objective and subjective) was only specifically addressed in the mid-2010s. Since then, a number of studies have called for the implementation of citizen-centered smart cities, regardless of the impact of social, physical and environmental development, urban revitalization or revitalization. Gaps in people’s quality of life have been quantitatively and qualitatively confirmed by various previous studies [20, 21, 22, 23].

A number of scales and indicators can be used to accurately measure the quality of life of city residents, so it is important to choose the ones that are appropriate for the situation of each city and their different types of business [23]. In this regard, several citizen-centered urban planning studies have found that the subjective quality of life assessed by individual residents reflects the impact of local problem solving. The main indicators used by these studies vary, but they can be divided into four categories.

The first aspect involves subjective health problems. These are assessed on the assumption that the overall physical and social health of any city can be measured by assessing the mental and physical health of individual citizens. In the same context, subjective well-being

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