
(wow) Words Of Wonders Level 1074 Answers

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(wow) Words Of Wonders Level 1074 Answers

There is no name in the world more loved by young readers than that of BURT L. STANDISH.

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Over the years, Frank Merriwell's stories have been an inspiration to thousands of young men who want to excel in sports.

Without preaching, Mr. Standish provides proof after proof that righteous living is the only way to live. Hence the popularity of Merriwell's stories.

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Ted Strong and his band of broncho-busters have the most exciting adventures in this series of books and provide the reader with countless adventures.

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It was Frank Merriwell speaking. He was sitting on a boat that was approaching the coast of Morocco. Next to him sat his old friend and former classmate, Ephraim Gallup, of Vermont.

“It's a beautiful place, I must say. It's not like America. But the view is better than those places we stopped in South Africa, sorry.

“Sleep, Frank, with me!” What, it was worse, the things that happened to us in Africa. No, I don't want my gum episode to happen again!

As long-time readers of the Frank Merriwell stories know, Frank was now on an extensive tour of various parts of the world. With the death of his guardian he had gained a lot of money, and his guardian wanted to travel before he settled down. Frank had to go with a teacher and a male chaperone. At present the teacher, Horace Scotch, was not with the youth, but Ephraim was, and the two of them had just come from the south coast of Africa, where they had done much to do, as described in “Frank Merriwell's Hunting Tour.”

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Look, Ephraim! Frank continued. “To Tangier, scattered snow-white pearls on the blue sea shore. A sight to rush the blood.”

“It looks clean from here,” agreed the Vermonter; “But with what you say, it won't go well when we get there.”

“It is absolutely true; but we are also the door to a land that has been alienated from us, a land of foreign people, unknown customs, countless miracles and wonders. Besides, I'm tired of the sea and I want to get to the shore again.”

“It's hard! I didn't blame you. But I would go to the coast where there are civilized people. I've seen enough blacks and heathens.”

Frank Merriwell In Europe, By Burt L. Standish—a Project Gutenberg Ebook

“Of course we are sick of them; but I wouldn't want to go home without visiting Morocco.”

Soon the ship's speed began to slow, and finally it stopped, the anchor chains rattling as the anchors were thrown.

“Stop everyone!” Ephraim said holding Frank's hand. “What! There is a group of criminals coming to attack the ship, what do you want?”

Many ships were coming from the beach, and behind them there was a group of open Arabs, without stopping, who were entering the water, coming towards the ship, waving their hands in a crazy way and shouting strangely.

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“Obviously this is one of the most amazing things we have to see in this world,” said Frank calmly.

The boats arrived at the ferry and the passengers were quickly picked up by the sailors. Frank and Ephraim managed to get into one of the boats and were called to pay their way off the ship.

The boats headed for the ragged, terracotta-colored crowd, some of whom were up to their thighs in water.

As soon as this group arrived, it was showing hostility, and they rushed the boat. Those on the bus were caught by a mob of men who shouted, as if they were going to be killed without delay.

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He slapped the old Arab on the back, knocking the man down in the blink of an eye.

But the ancient Arabs should not have been so surprised. Dropping the water, he stood up and wrestled with the happy young man.

Seeing the danger approaching, Frank did not delay climbing from the boat on the muratto's shoulders, where he stood in a good position, raising his hat and shouting:

“Wait, you black bastard!” shouted Ephraim, who had been slightly blinded by the water that had spilled. “Keep your dirty hands off me, or I –Wa-ow!”

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The boat passed, causing the boatman and the young Yankee to enter the water, where a commotion ensued, much to the amusement of the other passengers.

“Hold up!” he shouted as he got up and shook his fist at the shocked Arab. “You wait until we land, creature! I'll fix you!”

“I wonder, Ephraim,” said Frank humbly, “that you are so deceitful about such a thing.” Mr. Brown wanted to take you to the beach only because the water is too deep to allow boats to reach. You will see that all the travelers go to the beach like this”.

The young man from Vermont looked around, seeing that Frank was right. The women were carried ashore in chairs, while the male passengers carried the necks of Arabs and blacks.

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“Wal, why didn't they say it out loud to someone who was cut!” cried Ephraim, ashamed and disgusted. “They laughed at us as if they wanted to kill our people.”

When they reached the beach, Frank paid for his and Ephraim's transportation, as the old Vermonter was angry and wanted to be paid.

Investigation revealed that there was a European hotel in town, and Frank got directions to lead them there.

Ephraim murmured as they walked. He was dripping wet, and he looked sarcastic, but the people on the streets didn't smile at him. He met her with a blank, indifferent gaze, as if he were an insignificant insect. Men separated from boys, women ran away, children fled in fear.

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“The people are really friendly,” laughed Frank. “Judging by their behavior, anyone would think we must be bloodthirsty people.”

Almost all the people in the streets were wearing long white woolen robes and a large cap, which was usually worn directly on top, so that the whole town showed the atmosphere of a Dominican monastery.

Some of the men wearing these goals passed by badly, slowly and quietly, with a dreamy look in their eyes, as if their thoughts were far away; others remained seated or crouched near the wall, or in the corners of the house, motionless and with fixed eyes, like those bewitched by the “Arab Vigils”.

On the way to the hotel, they passed through many narrow and winding streets, with white houses without windows and small doors, which could not be entered easily.

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In most streets there was nothing to be seen but white walls and a blue sky.

Almost all the streets were full of rotting vegetables, wool, rags, bones and sometimes dead cats and dogs.

For a long time groups of Arab children were seen dancing or reciting verses of the Koran in their noses.

Every now and then the boys' noses were touched by the smell of garlic, burning incense, benzoic, fish and other uncontrollable things.

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On one side was a well, surrounded by Arabs and Negroes, who were busy drawing water in various vessels.

On the other side of the market, women wearing cloths were sitting on the ground offering bread for sale.

The little place was full of incessant wanderers, rich Moors, Jews, civil servants, who had their houses nearby; They were with many beggars.

At this moment, the girl who was wearing a veil suddenly separated from the two men who appeared to be accompanying her, gave a shout of joy and ran to the boys and hugged Merriwell around the neck crying.

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There was a cry of surprise and anger from the men who had accompanied the girl. They quickly pulled out the curved short swords from under their clothes and jumped at the young men.

– Take him down, you Christian dog! they roared with swords.

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