(wow) Words Of Wonders Level 1315 Answers

(wow) Words Of Wonders Level 1315 Answers – 12 October 384 – 3 Sources of Creative Fuel on the Empty Path with Hanif Abdurraqib

Do you sometimes feel like you’re running out of creativity or have nothing left to say? If you need some creative energy, this episode with writer, poet, music enthusiast and critic Hanif Abdurraqib is for you.

(wow) Words Of Wonders Level 1315 Answers

In this episode, we share 3 tips for staying creative while learning lessons from Hanif, as well as the musicians he interviews on his excellent Object of Sound podcast.

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[00:00:00] Yoni Wolf: It’s easy to get lost on the creative path, but don’t worry, you’ll make it. Sometimes you just need a creative boost

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Hey, you’re listening to the Creative Pep Talk podcast! I’m your host, Andy J. Pizza! Creative block can mean a lot of different things, but sometimes it’s a very real feeling or fear that you’re just empty. You have nothing more to say. You may feel like you’re repeating yourself or running out of ideas.

You don’t need to do anything else. In today’s episode, we’re going to talk about what to do when you’re feeling creatively empty, and we’re going to do it with the help of someone who is already kind of a legend to me. , in life. Writer, music enthusiast and poet, Hanif Abdurraqib. Hanif writes books, speaks and is prolific on social media, and has an amazing creative podcast called Object of Sound that I’ve loved for a long time, where he interviews very inspiring musicians such as indie legends

Sufjan Stevens or Bjork, as well as fresh new voices on the music scene like Bartees Strange, for me Hanif represents the type of creator I want to be. He can still regularly bring new stories, insights or perspectives to each of his creative outlets. So I’m excited to pick a mastermind and figure out how to stay fulfilled as a creator when you’re doing so many different things now.

Lots of great stuff to share. But before we get to that, a little message from our sponsor.

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We acknowledge former sponsors. Astropad has a new product that I’m going to tell you about. This is called a board. Dark Board is new. Ultralight ergonomic drawing surface for your iPad. Actually, plug your iPad into it. This increases the surface area of ​​your iPad to help you avoid cramping and grip issues and getting stuck on the table.

Go check it out. They made a dark board.com Kickstarter. Only a few more days left if you listened to this the day it came out. Ends Friday, October 14, 2022. Back. Go and get it. Stop posture problems and hand cramps. Like, my god. This is really cool.

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I don’t know if I need to mention anything else, so they don’t compete with those pizzeria chains. Uh, however, the growth is very satisfying. And Skillshare’s online course makes it possible. Learn more about illustration, design, photography. I feel like there’s an opportunity for a teacher to do a whole, you know, food photo or f, and it’s just a fo photo.

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Woof. Not. By the way, productivity marketing pros, there’s a course on, uh, planning a podcast, recording it, and running it. Tell me more later. Really, it looks really good. I see they’re even using some of the things that I use in creating my podcast, some of the tools, if you will, or hardware, tools, uh, and, and there are really good reviews.

If you ever wanted to start a podcast, I’ll let you know later. In the meantime, know that you can get a free trial at Skillsshare.com/creative pep. Go share. As. Go see him.

So I recently had the privilege of sitting down and talking with the writer Hanif Abdurraqib, who I really like, and talking. Go shopping with her and find out how she stays so creative that she can do podcasts and write books and write poetry and speak and all these different things.

I also work a lot, apart from poetry. I just want to love. How do you stay inspired and excited and always feel like you have something really interesting to contribute? And, um, as we sat down, he was starting the latest season of his Object of Sound podcast.

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Now it will tell you something about the Sound Object. It’s a Sonos podcast where he interviews different musicians he likes and they have a creative conversation and I thought it would be cool to pair some of Hanif’s answers with clips that illustrate the points of his show.

These interviews are with artists that I really like or just episodes of shows that I find very inspiring and interesting. Small pieces that we can deepen through the perspective of our own creative practice.

Chapter One, A Missed Opportunity to Use Creative Source Material. Earlier this year I read her latest book, Little Devil in America, about black performers, black performances, and I was blown away by her ability to say very personal things about her life while researching and reading sources. former like Whitney Houston relationships.

Black audience or cultural features like the TV show Soul Train. I’ve seen this kind of use of source material in many different places throughout the creation and purchase history of many of my creative heroes. You know, guys like Sufi Stevens, who you’ll be hearing about soon with his country-inspired albums or his latest collaborative album.

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But I also feel this is a missed opportunity. In many creative practices we feel like we have to invent things ourselves, when we can inject research into the creative process and make it a big part of how we stay full and inspired. You know, on these shows I always encourage people to take inspiration from other mediums, and I’m not a musician, but I get so many creative ideas from the show.

And I think, first of all, we can talk about this idea of ​​outside sources and source material. That’s, uh, a big theme in your episode with Sohan Stevens and Angela, uh, Augustine Day, and they talk a lot about the source material. Can you get in line to find out what this album is about and how the source material fits into it?

[00:08:12] Hanif Abdurraqib: Yes. It was an album where they wrote many songs inspired by the movies they watched. They’re like, you know, closeted and watching movies and doing a lot of stuff, making songs from, uh, inspired by the movies they’re watching. And uh, that’s interesting because I think Sushan is generally someone who is an outward looking creator.

You know, he was always a bit of a drag. A source outside of oneself. And it’s interesting to see him going to the cinema this time, and not to geography or literature or whatever. As for me, I’m someone who has always combined a lot of external sources into an external obsession to, uh, somehow create or continue a work.

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And so I, you know, I, I don’t know if I’m, uh, someone who believes that inspiration is everywhere, but I believe in a focused approach to obsession. This can create an infrastructure that breeds creativity. I’m reading

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